

Te gustaría promocionar tu música en mi blog?  Crees que ya es el momento adecuado para promocionar tu música? Te podemos dar un espacio, no importa si eres amateur o profesional. Mándame un email a adjuntando  tu biografía, fotos, enlaces a tus redes sociales y nos pondremos en contacto contigo cuando publiquemos tu trabajo. Recomendamos no enviar emails en plan “spam” porque en ese caso no publicaremos nada ya que nos interesa el trato personalizado.


You'd like to promote your music in my blog? You believe that this is the right moment to promote it? We can provide you a place here, and it doesn't matter for us if you are an amateur or professional. Please, send me an e-mail to with your biography, photos, links to your pages on social nets, etc. attached, and we will keep in touch with you and will let you know when we publish your work. We recommend not to send e-mails such as "spam", because in this case we won't publish a thing. We are interested in personalized references.

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